
Life is life. It doesn't stop or have knowledge of all the other events that occur daily. It just happens! Life, death, disappointments, and accomplishments. Life is life. However how you prepare and react to your life matters. You cannot sit on the side lines and throw yourself a pity party. Life will pass you by if you're not actively participating. It's like a parade. You can either be in the parade, waving, smiling, and having a good time, or on the side lines picking up candy from the ground as a spectator. This week has been awful for me yet joyous. Does this sound familiar? It can be the best and worst time of your life all at the same time. One of my closest friends was killed in a car accident , my aunt died, my middle daughter had surgery on you mouth, yet I landed a huge contract with a celebrity client. Really life, really? Yes that's life for you. You must learn when to mourn, when to laugh, and when to push through your pain to get to the other side of ...