May I Have Your Undivided Attention, Please?
Eye contact and body language are critical when communicating with your spouse. There are so many distractions due to modern-day technology, and it is making communication skills become less personable. Lack of communication within a marriage can make you or your spouse feel neglected. It is extremely frustrating talking to an individual when you feel their mind is somewhere else. Active listening is a crucial part of communication. Have you ever heard your spouse say something and interpreted what they were saying in an entirely different way? It is essential that you reiterate what you heard to make sure that you heard them correctly. When you fail to give your spouse undivided attention during a conversation, it is more likely to be misinterpreted. Look your spouse straight in the eyes and don’t focus on anything else.
Giving your spouse undivided attention on a conversation is also a sign of showing respect. It is crucial to let your spouse know that you are genuinely listening. Feeling disrespected by your spouse can lead to resentment and that is a recipe for disaster. Choosing to multi-task during a conversation can be interpreted as, “What you are saying is not important enough for me to stop what I’m doing to listen to you.” Lack of communication is an enormous problem in marriages. The most effective marriages include listening to your spouse without any distractions.
Many of us are guilty of giving attention to things that do not truly matter. Although you cannot control your spouse into practicing the same communication tools mentioned in this article, you can start to set an example of giving undivided attention to your spouse. By practicing this type of communication, you make the other person feel respected and significant. There have been countless times when my husband was speaking to me and I’ve been looking down at my iPad or vice versa. One day, I had an epiphany and started to ask myself, “Is this email more important than what my husband is trying to talk to me about?” Of course not. I made a decision that day to give my loved ones my undivided attention. Multi-tasking during a conversation is a sure way to dismiss the value in what’s being said. The “Golden Rule” sums up everything: “Treat people the way you want to be treated.” If having someone’s undivided attention is something that you desire, you may first want to start practicing the same method of communication. No one likes to feel insignificant. I was once told that “you teach people how to treat you.”
Eye contact and body language are critical when communicating with your spouse. There are so many distractions due to modern-day technology, and it is making communication skills become less personable. Lack of communication within a marriage can make you or your spouse feel neglected. It is extremely frustrating talking to an individual when you feel their mind is somewhere else. Active listening is a crucial part of communication. Have you ever heard your spouse say something and interpreted what they were saying in an entirely different way? It is essential that you reiterate what you heard to make sure that you heard them correctly. When you fail to give your spouse undivided attention during a conversation, it is more likely to be misinterpreted. Look your spouse straight in the eyes and don’t focus on anything else.
Giving your spouse undivided attention on a conversation is also a sign of showing respect. It is crucial to let your spouse know that you are genuinely listening. Feeling disrespected by your spouse can lead to resentment and that is a recipe for disaster. Choosing to multi-task during a conversation can be interpreted as, “What you are saying is not important enough for me to stop what I’m doing to listen to you.” Lack of communication is an enormous problem in marriages. The most effective marriages include listening to your spouse without any distractions.
Many of us are guilty of giving attention to things that do not truly matter. Although you cannot control your spouse into practicing the same communication tools mentioned in this article, you can start to set an example of giving undivided attention to your spouse. By practicing this type of communication, you make the other person feel respected and significant. There have been countless times when my husband was speaking to me and I’ve been looking down at my iPad or vice versa. One day, I had an epiphany and started to ask myself, “Is this email more important than what my husband is trying to talk to me about?” Of course not. I made a decision that day to give my loved ones my undivided attention. Multi-tasking during a conversation is a sure way to dismiss the value in what’s being said. The “Golden Rule” sums up everything: “Treat people the way you want to be treated.” If having someone’s undivided attention is something that you desire, you may first want to start practicing the same method of communication. No one likes to feel insignificant. I was once told that “you teach people how to treat you.”
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